Color Fields, 2006, Oil on Panel, 8x10
I have been spending too much time on the computer lately. Despite making a promise to myself each day that I will not. But sometimes it really pays off.
Recently while doing a blog search for "bare spots on chicken back" (I eventually came to the conclusion that the roosters are being um, too rough during their amorous attentions) I came across several interesting chicken blogs. Well they're interesting if you have chickens, that is. heh. One of them had a suggestion for something that would keep chickens busy - hang a cabbage in their coop and they would go crazy pecking at it. It spins, is edible of course and eventually it will burst into a show tune and encourage the chickens to do a line dance. Just kidding. At the grocery store, the other day, I bought some cabbage heads. Because color is an important part of my life, I decided on the purple cabbages. Why put up the ordinary green cabbages for the chickens when I have the option to hang a beautiful cabbage with colors that change with the light?
So yesterday I put it up. The chickens were wary at first, but eventually one of them made contact. Then they all dug in. A few hours later I went back out to collect eggs and saw that the cabbage had completely disappeared. Then I noticed their poop. Big chunks of the most gorgeous, colorful chicken shit ever.
Grumbacher's Magnesium Green. I am not kidding. A stunning combination of cerulean blue and chromium green with a little cap of flake white. And so today I am off to work in the studio and I will be adding magnesium green to my palette just to see what happens.
Well, holy crap.
I've heard lots of crazy inspirations, but this is a first. lol
I was recently told that you need a story to make it to the big time... you may have the makings of one here! KJ
If I feed my darlings bing cherries, their poop turns into the most amazing rose madder shade.
For us parrot folk, reading poop is the only way to track how healthy your bird is. I bet it's the same with chickens.
Well said, Chris!
Gotta take wherever you can get it, Jan!
Thanks, Karen. Do you mean big time in art or in the movies. Cause this would make a great indie film don't you think? ha
Susan, ooh, I'll have try cherries. And definitely watching their poop is important. I have a book that lists what to look for.
Okay - I moved my blog to the beta blogger (well actually there isn't anything on my blogger blog except I've scammed it to point to my wordpress blog) - maybe now I can leave comments....
I'm excited Tracy - 2 chicken posts in 1 week. Christmas has come early.
Yes, Lisa, another post just for you, Merry Christmas. ha. Have you had trouble leaving comments since you switched? I did, but now things seem to be working ok.
I had problems leaving comments on the new beta blogs before I made the switch myself. It refused to recognize my blogger account on the beta blogs most of the time.
Now all seems happy as I'm logging in with the google id and not the blogger id. If this has problems also I'll be a bit a frustrated!
But today is the office christmas party so hurray.
I wonder if the eggs will have new colors?
I'm just beginning to learn about colour. Didn't think this would involve studying things like Chicken crap, but there you go. Life is full of suprises!
Lisa, I had problems logging in to leave comments before I switched over too, glad to know it's not just me that blogger/google seems to not want to know:-)
Deb, that would be fun! But alas, no. I have read that certain foods will affect the flavor of the eggs. Sounds like an idea for a science fair project.
Yes, John, one can learn about color everywhere-even from this silly artist who is inspired by her chicken's poop:-)
I guess true artists find inspiration everywhere! I fear what food experiments you will be trying in the near future with those unsuspecting chickens.
Only an artist can work out the exact paints needed to make that shade of chicken crap!
Kathy, you're right, between the grocery store and the chicken coop I'm all set!
Lauren, hahahahaha! We all have a great talent, useful too:-)
...so are you going to do a painting using colored chicken poop??
I do spend too much time on the computer reading all this interesting ''crap'' that is so important to our lifes and makes it worth it...
Hug X
I am just laughing, laughing! Leave it to an artist to find a new color in manure! I'm usually not bold enought to tell people where some of my ideas come from!
Mom, No, that's not really something I plan to do. However, I sure have learned to never say never:-)
Angela, glad you enjoyed my "crap"!!
Jeane-yep, ya gotta keep an eye out for new colors! Even if it means looking at the chicken crap:-)
Well, there is a guy back in Rochester that does paintings using goose poop, so I think you ought to try it.
Paintings in goose poop-EXACTLY why I left Rochester within a month of graduating HS:-)
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