I just received Inside the Painter's Studio by artist Joe Fig the other day and I am so in love with it that I can't actually sit down and read it. I keep it near me all day and have paged through it, have looked at all the pictures but I am enjoying the anticipation of reading the interviews with the artists. So much so that I don't want to spoil all that by actually reading them. Makes sense, right?
Like most artists, I REALLY REALLY like seeing other artist's studios and learning about their studio habits. I like to enlarge the photos I see online and just pore over every detail. Love seeing all the art supplies, art in progress, along with piles of junk, and all the quirky little things most artists have on hand for no apparent reason. Here is a good article about Joe's book, along with some good images of the painter's studios.
And in a feeble attempt to position myself as a painter with a real studio (that's a self-deprecating joke, people!) I am posting a photo of my project table, which I love almost as much as this book.

Hey Tracy so what is going on on that table? Looks like you paint small pictures on unstreched canvas then strech it after or glue it to a cradled panel.
I like the idea of putting up pix of the studio. I have to shoot close ups because a distant shot of my studio would look like the inside of a dumpster. I have a shot of my bench with a bunch of raw castings on it on my jewlery blog. It's an older post so you'll have to schroll down. I'll have to check out the book. www.jewelryartstudio.blogspot.com
I thought I was the only odd ball that would carry around new art magazines and when I was ready I'd flip through, not too fast, read a little, then put it down. I guess you can call it savoring the experience. Glad to see I'm not the only one. Hehe
I love looking at other artist's studios, it is a little world of work, making, inspiration, clutter, organization and intention. I love to see how other artists organize their paint, supplies, cool furniture resuse, where can they fit in a few shelves?
For a fun few hours of internet time, check out the flickr groups art studio and inspiration boards.
This looks like a great book...thanks so much for mentioning it! Even though I haven't painted in years, I love peeking into studios and hanging around artists, whether in real life, virtually or in books. I always feel on the verge of drifting back to it. Maybe one day.
I bought a book several months ago that is an exibition catalogue for a painter and I just took the plastic wrapping off the other day, but still have not looked inside. I guess the anticipation of being overwhelmed with how wonderful the paintings will be is keeping me from actually looking. Wacky hun?
Peter, I only paint on panel and lately on gessoed paper. You are looking mostly at a stack of panels, some finished pieces at the back left and some more finished work on gessoed paper on the back right; they are sitting on a piece of muslin so maybe that's why they look like they are on canvas. Would love to see more of your studio and don't worry, the inside of a dumpster is a good look for an artist's studio;)
Cheryl, and I am glad to know I am not the only one! It takes me forever to enjoy our art magazines too, and I still have a lot of art books sitting around, can't bring myself to give up my anticipation!
Maryanne, am sure with you on all that. And i am pretty good at fitting an amazing amount of very important crap into one room. So I love to see other masters at work on that;) Will check out flickr, thanks.
Jan, hope the book inspires you, I myself am wishing for a more industrial type of studio after looking through the images, even though I tend to work better in a more home like space.
Patty, enjoy your anticipation! And then enjoy looking at it finally, you will get there! Someday;)
Thanks for the tip - I have just ordered the book too. There is nother better than to get a glimpse inside other artists' studios. Love your project table...
Thanks Tracy. NOW I've got to decide whether I should do this or paint. If I do answer these questions, I may become too flippant because it is already 10:30 PM here and I'm just getting into the studio. hmmm
ps still my most favorite studio shot the past year is that flat file of paint tubes.
Its like my word verification "unagge"
Thanks Jennifer, and enjoy the book! And yep, we are all very nosy when it comes to seeing how and where other artists work;) Love that!
Steven, you should definitely work, but hope you will do the interview at some point. I spent a lot of time thinking about and then answering the questions, longer than I expected. Glad you like my paint tube pic, would you like an autographed copy??? ;)
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