Oh right, I do still have a blog here......
I have been signing into blogger so rarely lately that I now have to look up my password. NOT kidding!
Facebook is enveloping me with its time sucking, hypnotizing powers.
And the lure of quick, snappy, comments, links, images and connections to a wide variety of people in my life, past and present, has been impossible for me to avoid.
Plus I get to easily see what everyone else is doing which fulfills the Gladys Kravitz side of me. Heh.
I am considering the option of doing more writing about my work on my facebook fan page, which could essentially replace this blog.
But FB is a fad that will probably pass. I could move it all somewhere else again or I could finally decide that I have told all my stories and talked too much about myself and my career, and just quietly melt back into painting anonymously out here on the farm.
However, the thought of not being a part of blogland, not communicating with other artists, and not putting my work up, on my terms, saddens me greatly.
So even if I am slightly burned out on it, I will keep trying to come back to this blog, for now anyway.
Probably with fewer posts (I have told all my good stories) and more connections to Facebook.
Tracy there is a way to have your facebook page update to your blog in a block widget. You can see an example on my jewelry blog. you should be able to figure it out . if not let me know.
Interesting comment from Peter. I need to check that out. Probably wouldn't work on Wordpress but who knows. I'm feeling the same tugs as you about FB and blogging.
FB really is a huge time sink. The more friends and fans you get the more interesting it is to see who they are and what they are up to. Case in point,it's almost noon and I haven't been into the studio yet with projects on the bench waiting! It's not for the add.
I dunno Tracy, I personally prefer the blog to FB for all the stories behind the paintings. FB is a fun way to connect, but as a reader, I prefer visiting a blog rather than scrolling through notes, pages, boxes, fan pages etc. Blogging seems more archival and quickly accessible (tags, dates) when I want to catch up with someone. For some odd reason, it feels more personable too.
And don't get me started on the ads, privacy issues etc.
Slow down if you must, but don't abandon The Force.
Wonderful painting!! Brava!
Now I need to work out how to follow you on Facebook.
Peter, I set that up once, it worked for awhile and then stopped. I can't figure out how to fix it. Anyway, I do link the blog posts to my FB pages so they have been all working together all this time.
Martha, nice to know it's not just me;)
Peter, TRUE!!! But a fun and social time sink! Something I miss in my real life so a tough one to give up;)
Mary, very good points, I don't disagree, which is why I am still posting, sort of anyway. I think maybe I am just burning out on writing about myself which seems unbelievable, even to me;)
Robyn, are you on FB? If so you can join my public page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Tracy-Helgeson/90731227284?v=wall
I absolutely agree with M.A.H.
I check in daily to see IF you have been by with one of your personable comments or gorgeous pieces of art.
There's always Tracey TIme in my day.
If you find yourself on empty one day for a comment...share some of your painting techniques with novices like me who would love to add more depth to their repetoire of styles and techniques.
Come back soon Tracey.
Sherrill, Montreal
It's easy to understand how you might feel burn out, although I hope you keep the blog. I prefer it to Facebook too - it seems more directly accessable.
Oh, Tracy. Please don't abandon those of us that refuse to join FaceBook. Please. (Hear my 'please'!)
Don't leave us alone out here in blog-land... I highly prefer it to facebook, and I doubt that you have exhausted the supply of daily stories of your journey as an artist, which I very much enjoy reading!
I too have avoided joining facebook because of the time suck I think it would cause in my life (from hearing from others). I do check in on my kids' pages often and even that can be addicting! I prefer your blog but if you insist on leaving us hanging here (hahah!) I might create a page just to see what you have to say! Or, I might log onto my daughters and make her appear to see what you are saying, when it is really me!
How's this for an addict - after reading this post, I had a flash of a moment where I thought, "hey, I'll change my profile picture to Gladys Kravitz, because that is definitely some of what facebook is about" Bang on comment Tracy. I'm not one to talk. I appreciate blogging more, but find it MORE of a time suck than FB. I know I'll get back to mine soon, but right now I can relate to everything your saying.
Oh and LOVE the new painting btw, gorgeous, it has some really interesting visual depth to it.
I hope you keep the blog. I much prefer reading the blog on it's own rather than on facebook. If you blog it, I will read it.
I love reading your blog. You are an excellent writer, so I hope you won't abandon it completely. I'm on Facebook but none of the comments are as enriching as your blog entries. Almira
don't go! i understand that strange power of facebook, but it does not replace the blog where you can really see and read the details.. facebook is sucking away my time too, it so easy to click the "like" button. i wan to know where the "don't like "button is..
Tracy, I just don't get FB. I have gone there when I had no other alternative for something I was researching, but I just can't figure it out. I check your blog usually 5 days a week to see the latest painting or goings on. I would rather have you do fewer blog posting than to abandon us FB dislikers altogether. Love the new painting!
Tracy, I'm going through the opposite of you. First I joined FB not long ago. Got such a kick out of it. But since I started my Blog, I'm loving it. Hardly go into FB right now. I rather be blogging and painting, or I should say painting and blogging anyday. Please keep blogging. Your work is delightfully inspiring.
Thanks so much to everyone for such wonderful, flattering and supportive comments! I have decided to keep on with the blog, and will try to post at least 2x per week. I agree with those who like the directness and intimacy of the blogs, and I will try to get back into my writing groove. I actually want to, it's just that my groove has not been cooperating;)
Well, I'm really enjoying your blog even if you're a little more absent! :)
I don't know if it helps but I actually pre-draft my blog for the week. I take photos throughout the previous week of work I'm doing or whatever, then spend about an hour on the weekend drafting and scheduling all the following week's blog. Actually takes less time overall. Taking the photos while I'm working but without blog in my head means I usually get at least a couple of worthwhile posts later. ;)
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