So earlier this summer, my former NYC gallery director/current dealer gave my name and info to a gallery in the Hamptons. The owner of Chrysalis Gallery (no website!) in Southampton really liked my work, especially the more simple color fields. After going back and forth a bit with images and other information, she chose two paintings to start with. I am being 'tried out'. This has happened before, in fact most notably with the NYC gallery who went on to sell every painting that she ever got of mine. So normally I am fairly confident that the try out period will lead to more, however all bets are off now. The stupid economy has made sure of that!
But it is very nice to have another shot somewhere, especially the Hamptons, where I hear some people are still buying stuff. Well, it's just a rumor but I cling to it anyway.......
Good for you! Good luck!
Thanks Karen! I have been sending my work out to various galleries during the last 9 months or so and most of them have not even responded AT ALL. Maybe I am pursuing the ones on thin ice?? Anyway, it's nice to have this come along no matter how it turns out.
Just fabulous!
Good luck with the new gallery! Let us know how it turns out.
Fantastic. Hope this works out. There's bound to be at least a handful of Hamptonites that have not been adversely affected by the economy.
Yay! I'm keeping my fingers crossed...
loving your blog and good luck too!
Good for you. I know how frustrating it is to spend your time and money sending out packets only to get no reply. Been there, done that.
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