Sunday was the perfect day for a road trip. I decided to go visit Gary at his Open Studio, which is only about a two hour drive from our town. This time I took my son, Julien as he was very interested to see a potter's studio. He has taken pottery for years and LOVES his throwing class. He is deeply disappointed to be missing the fall pottery session due to playing on the football team. A football playing potter-our kids are well rounded! Anyway, Julien is pretty good company when he is not in his I-know-everything mode. I tortured him with my ipod on the way there and he tortured me with his ipod on the way home. Every time Lucinda began to sing he let out a loud, irritated sigh and I was lucky enough to hear each and every song ever recorded by Weird Al Yankovic. Heh. I never expected that I would ever have to listen to "Like a Surgeon" or "Eat It" ever again. I nearly wept with relief when he switched over to his other playlist that included The Beatles and Modest Mouse.
We had a lovely visit with Gary and his wife Maude. They are very nice and it was fun to see their purple house as well as Gary's studio and work. He gave a couple of demonstrations on his pottery wheel which were cool and my son is all jazzed up to throw a pitcher or a tall vase rather than the bowls he has been doing. Oh yeah, and we did a little shopping!
The late afternoon light was incredible on the drive home and I stopped a number of times to take pictures (which elicited more deep sighs from Julien). Good timing because I have to begin another batch of paintings today for the Pittsburgh show today and I could really use some new images.
Ok, I did my social thing, now it's back to work!
How old is Julian?
It was a name that I had on my list for Caleb before he was born but it wasn't meant to be his name.
I hope my children are well rounded too.
I'm with Julien. Lucinda is not my fav. I saw her live in concert a few years back at the Denver botanic gardens (I went to see the opening act - which I can no longer remember). I left early. Although I'm not sure weird al is any better.
Hi Gary:)
Daphne, Julien is twelve. He is named after his grandfather. I know what you mean about the right name, we had a list of names for our youngest but when she was born, none of them fit her at all.
Lisa, well, he didn't like any of my "country" music. I am not a country music fan but there are a few singers, like Lucinda, who are considered country, that I really connect with. And one Weird Al song might be ok, but 20? Yikes!
I have been trying to see Lucinda in concert, but she is usually sold out.
My son calls all my music he doesn't like "country" - including fleetwood mac and springsteen.
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