So the trip to Atlanta was great! Well, except for the traveling part. I had to meet Doug in NYC so after the kids got onto the school bus, I drove 2 hours to Hudson, and took the train into Penn station. Doug was waiting for me there and since we were running late we decided to take a taxi to the airport. It wasn't the worst cab ride I have ever had, but it was close and I kept my eyes closed during most of it! We got on the plane, which then sat on the runway for over an hour. Arrgh! The flight attendant gave everyone extra peanuts at snack time and so we all felt better after that. Heh. But the actual flight was fine, as was the next cab ride to the hotel. I didn't have to close my eyes during that one. And the trip back home was nearly the same, but in reverse. Instead of the cab ride in NYC city though, we took an air train to another train in order to get back to Penn Station. And from there we had a few hours until we had to catch the train to Hudson, so we took the subway down to Soho, where we checked in on Doug's showroom, visited Multiple Impressions and then we walked over to Arcadia to check out the paintings there. I believe that the only mode of transportation we missed in those three days was a boat and the space shuttle.
We arrived in Atlanta kind of late on Thursday and so we had room service and went to bed early. The next day we got up and walked to the nearby mall. Doug needed a few things and so we wandered around, had lunch, shopped and looked at some paintings in a mall gallery by Paul Stanley from the band KISS. We didn't like them but the girl working there assured us that his work was very sought after. Hmmmm. Okay.
We then walked down to Twinhouse Gallery so that I could say hi before the actual opening. Our hotel was only a bit over a mile down the street, however it turns out that Atlanta is not exactly conducive to walking. Plus it was hot and very muggy and so we were pretty icky by the time we got there. What a first impression I must have made!
Later on we arrived at the opening around 7pm and it was in full swing. In fact it was packed. The show looked awesome and it was pretty cool to see one of my paintings (Early Red, above) hanging in the front window! We wandered around a bit and then Neil and Karen came up and introduced themselves. We all immediately hit it off I'd say, and Doug and I spent most of the evening talking to them, in addition to several of the other artists and other visitors. I spoke with a woman who wanted to buy one of my paintings for her husband, plus I met a number of others who admired my work. So that was nice. After the opening ended at 9pm, we went to the pizza place next door with Karen and Neil to chat some more. We all have so much in common and I can't believe how wonderful it was to talk with people who do what I do, paint, and try to navigate through the business side of art as well. I miss that in my real life at home. We finally left at 1:30am! I can't even remember the last time I was out that late. They gave us a ride back to the hotel (thanks again!) and collapsed. I think we are getting old.
The next morning we met with Susan, the gallery owner and she took us to breakfast where we had a classic southern meal, eggs with cheese, grits, hash browns, toast, and lots of fat and grease. She gave us a quick tour of Atlanta that left us wishing that we had could have at least another day there, and then took us to the airport in plenty of time for us to make our flight. It was nice to get to know her better though and I really have to thank both Susan and the director, Tiffany, for their hospitality.
I am so glad that we went on this trip. It was important for me to attend this show, meet everyone and become familiar with this particular gallery's dynamic. And getting to know Neil and Karen was just the best. Since Neil has now admitted his part publicly in getting me into this gallery, I want to sincerely thank him for that. Thank you Neil! I have met such lovely people here in art blogland.
We are home now, and getting back into the swing of things. Thanks to our good friend and super nanny, Mary Jo, our kids had a great time while we were gone and probably didn't even miss us.
Oh yeah, I forgot to take my camera to the opening so I have exactly zero pictures of the event, the art or my painting in the front window. Typical.
Congratulations, Tracy - and welcome back!
I really liked the "planes, trains and automobiles" part of your story. Sounds like you had quite a wild ride :)
I am tired just from reading all that.
Travelling is sadly becoming one of my least favorite things.
I would have like to visit Arcadia gallery.. I wonder if you like their works.
I like traveling for work related trip, somehow give me a purpose for the travel
Mary, thanks and yes, traveling anywhere from where we live sure can get complicated.
Meno, I know and I can't tell you how tired I still am from all of that:) We actually considered driving down, it would have only taken a few hours longer.
Tim, I love so many of the artists that show at Arcadia! Unfortunately, the staff has attitude (I would never buy anything from them because of that) and they show very few if any, female painters.
Oh Tracy, I am sorry to hear that about the atitude ... thanks for letting me know about arcadia ... I would hate that too This may also reflect on the management/onwer, it is bad.....
so many artist over my area would love to get in with the Arcadia ... I only want to work with nicer owner if I could help it.
take care
Tim, I think the owner must be good to work with as he certainly has represented some of the same artists for a long time. But speaking as a visitor, the staff isn't too friendly. Of course, not too many of the NY galleries are:)
They also could have sensed that I am a painter too, and then immediately assumed I would ask them to look at my work:) Clamming up would be a good way to avoid that!
Sounds like a great trip...except for the traveling part.
I would give my first born for the ability to teleport.
Hahaha, you crack me up Kesha!
I agree though, and in fact, on this trip Doug and I were wondering when someone would be inventing something like that and how THAT would solve our oil issues:)
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