Well, turns out that my exhibiting career does still seem to have some life. The Harrison Gallery has scheduled a solo show for me in June 2009. This will be my third solo show there and also marks an upgrade to a slot in their busy season, summer. The first two had each been in January and both were good, the one in 2008 was nearly a sold out show (and is what paid for my new studio). I would also like to mention that this gallery routinely shows work that sells for $10,000+ and while I am sure not in that range, it is an honor to brush shoulders with those who are. Heh.
Also, Carrie from Carrie Haddad Gallery has given me another show (fourth in five years) next August, also a good time in Hudson, which has a lot of summer and part time residents who come up from the city. She also suggested my work for a Hudson Valley arts publication and it looks like the above piece (which is owned by one of my blog readers) will be on the cover.
And on a side note, I have been asked to have a show in early spring at a gallery in Troy, NY. I agreed to do it, however they have not followed up so I am not really counting on that one happening. It's ok, stuff like that happens every once in awhile, I have learned to never count on anything until there is written confirmation and signed papers and often not even then. Sometimes a lack of follow up is a sign to me that it's maybe not the right thing for me to be involved in.
Even if things are slow right now, I still have to pay attention to the signs and take heed.
This stunning artwork is an example of why your career and you have nothing to fear. You rock!
Wow! This painting is gorgeous! I can feel the crisp fall air and also the warmth of that brilliant sunshine, and smell the cozy smoke of fireplaces when I look at it.
Congrats on all the shows! Wish I could see them in person.
Great news Tracy.......This piece is stunning. Maybe I'll have to make another trip to upstate N.Y. next summer just to see one of the shows
congratulations!!! all will be well, just keep plugging along!
I had to comment on this painting, Tracy. It is absolutely beautiful! I love the bold colors you use in your art.
Thanks everyone, for the very nice words about this painting. I admit that it was one that just easily flowed out of me and it was also one that I probably could have sold ten times over. Nice when you paint one like that, eh?
So great to hear from you Robin from Berne:) thanks for de-lurking.
Any gallery passing up the opportunity to show your beautiful work would be the ones missing out.
This is just delicious!
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