Thursday, January 29, 2009

Five for Fighting

No real chit chat today, alas. Tomorrow is a short work day for me and so I must get a few more underpaintings done today. But I thought I'd stop in and at least post what I did yesterday. Even though it seemed crazy to do such a complicated grouping at this point in the series, I kept getting drawn back to a photo that had five people in it. I was initially interested in the lady at the bottom center. She has a polka dotted dress which really had me intrigued. Even after I started the painting, I thought I would crop it and only keep two or three of the figures in the painting, but I ended up leaving them all in. I am pretty pleased with this and I especially like the couple on the right.

Still looking forward to figuring out how to handle the pattern on the dress, but now I am wondering about how I will get all these folks to "talk to each other" too.

Good challenge!


Anonymous said...

I love how you tackle these problems with such faith. Can't wait to see how this one comes out in color. I am very much enjoying your blog! Anyone who can maintain a studio schedule with all those kids around is an inspiration!

Gary's third pottery blog said...

You're so talented. I wonder, though, will ya ever paint PIGS?

Melody said...

Wow.......that's all I can say with my mouth hanging open. Just wonderful piece