Thursday, January 18, 2007

Happy Limbo

Purple Orchard, 2006, Oil on Panel, 16x20

Well, I haven't talked much here about painting or working in the studio much lately. Mostly because I haven't done much of either. I wouldn't say that I am having a serious post-show meltdown or anything. I am just taking a good long break after having worked so much from last July through the holidays. I do have to start getting back to it soon though or I may get myself into some real trouble.

I have been enjoying the break, but am also bored, but also don't feel like doing anything. Makes sense, huh? I have been pondering things though, like how I can do some experimenting now and that this is a good time to head in a different direction. Nothing drastically different but some slight shifts which are usually good. Last night, I finally had an incredible urge to dig into a good ol' landscape again though, so I suspect I will jump back in soon and keep exploring landscapes, barns and the houses that I have recently been interested in. I do feel as if I have more to say on those subjects, even on the landscapes that have been so irritating to me lately.

There is some puttering going on however-I did a few underpaintings the other day, one house and a few others with different subject matter-which I don't feel ready to discuss yet. And today there is something happening that could be really interesting-or not. I don't want to jinx it by discussing it in advance, I may have already said too much, but surely a vague hint won't hurt. Heh. I'll write more about that tomorrow when I hear what happens today.

But today I am off to have lunch with a friend-something I sorely neglected for the better part of 2006!


Deb Lacativa said...

I've been waiting to see what you make of the countryside up there with a blanket of snow on it ....

All of your field scenes make me homesick.

Tracy Helgeson said...

Hey Deb, We are just getting some pretty nice snow today. I should do some snow scenes as I haven't for such a long time. Now's the time!