.....I am in a very surreal position. Every piece that I am painting lately (except the bad icky ones that go into the sand down pile) is slated to go out to a gallery or an upcoming show.
This is new to me. Even last year when I was so crazy busy, I overproduced and ended the year with stacks of extra work in my studio. This weekend though, I will be delivering much of that work, plus some newer pieces to two galleries in Massachusetts.
From then on a jpeg of every painting that I do in the next few months will be emailed to various gallery directors so that they can claim the ones that they want. Or paintings will be put aside for the solo show that I have coming up.
I had no idea that any of this would happen when I decided to sit down and see if I still knew how to paint on the day that my youngest daughter started school. I figured I'd push some paint around and maybe show in a few little art shows in the area.
So this is all very exciting, of course, but like I said, surreal.
However, before this sounds too self-congratulatory (too late maybe!) I should add that not everything sells. My return rate of unsold work is way higher than the zero that I would prefer! So I gotta work on that.
I could stare at Tucked in Between and wander into the yonder behind that purple tree. Really enjoyed this painting. Beautiful.
I just started coming by but I gotta say that your art is the kind I love to stare into for long periods of time. Something about the stories they tell in my head. The things you leave out of the painting speak to me as much as those in.
Anyways, I think its really awesome that your delving back into art after a motherhood hiatus has turned out so well. And if your paintings are so well strewn then perhaps the sales will pick up in time - certainly more than sitting in your studio I suppose. In any case, that you have done this well gives me hope for my hiatus...
Thanks Sunil, what a perfect compliment! Makes my day.
The things you leave out of the painting speak to me as much as those in.
I love what you've said here. I always feel sad about the things that I leave out but ultimately doing that improves the painting.
Tucked In Between - what a great piece!
How do you propose to improve on the rate of returns?
Isn't that completely out of your hands once the work is chosen by and hung in the gallery? Is it not their job to see that rate improve?
I would be more inclined to see which galleries performed best for me.
I know Maggie, this is neat work, isn't it? I plan to hang out here too.
Thanks Jim!
Deb, Good question! And yes, it is mostly up to the galleries about whether they sell the paintings. But I feel that some of it is on my end too. Frankly, the work that usually comes back isn't usually the top notch stuff. I should be a bit pickier about what I send out, but sometimes in the rush of meeting a deadline a few less than memorable pieces squeak by me. I am going to write soon about the ratios with this as I am working on getting all of my records in order from 2006.
How exciting!
Glad i got one early when they were cheaper. :)
Tracy - you're producing some really great stuff, I'm not in the least surprised that the galleries are taking everything you produce - and what I particularly love is that you're still surprised about it all. Don't be - you're a good artist producing good art.
Now back get back to that easel and work on how to do even better! ;)
Don't worry, Meno. Despite a recent price increase I am still cheap:)
Katherine, I am oddly both confident about my work AND surprised that people like it. Doesn't make sense I know. And also there are just SO many artists, it just seems unbelievable sometimes that I could have anything going on when there are so many who don't and whose work is as good or better.
I love the humility and the level of human detail you put on display in your blog (ignoring here the obvious joy of looking at the art. My wife happened to look over my shoulder one day and was immediately struck by one of you paintings, saying something like, "Oh, I love that.")
Thanks for sharing the way you do.
Thanks Trevor, So glad you've visited. I read through your blog some time ago and enjoyed it.
I suspect that not everyone wants to hear about chickens and our huge snowstorm, but even I get sick of talking about myself! So I compromise and include both.
I love your work I love the blog keep going ! I am an empty nester as of last week - Ya give me hope!
Nice to hear you confident and hitting your stride. It's rare that I feel that way myself, but when I do, I know how you feel--like you can accomplish anything. it's the way we should always feel.
Really wonderful piece. Hope to see one of your paintings in person some day.
I bought your painting "Warm Light" at the Enderlin Gallery this weekend as a birthday gift for my partner. Love your paintings! They really glow. I've been to your shows there, and am looking forward to your upcoming show. I have been looking around your blog--great writing and interesting insights.
Hi Terri, thanks for the encouragement. And have fun with all that extra time! I dearly love my children but I must admit that I have many plans for my empty nest! I just hope I am not all crippled up by then:)
Thanks Ed. I guess we all struggle with our confidence levels. I think that is good though, too much confidence can be as destructive as not enough.
Brian, Wow! Thanks so much for buying the painting. I hope your partner likes it. So glad you have visited the blog too and hope you'll make it to the opening for my show in May at Enderlin. Did I meet you at any of the other openings?
My Missus says we have seen your work around and about: having lived in NH for ten years before moving to NY, I am a Sharon Arts Center artist and I think we have seen your work at the gallery in Peterborough, NH.
May I do a tiny feature on you as a guest artist at pottersblog?
please email garyrith@yahoo.com
Gary, I have a gallery in Concord NH that represents me, maybe you saw the work there? I haven't shown in Peterborough.
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