Penny, who is really just the most well behaved, sweetest dog ever, also has a bit of a dark side.
When she brings these sorts of things to the house, I start to question what the heck I am doing out here in all of this nature crap. Will I ever get used to seeing dead animal parts? And will I ever not still be slightly fascinated by them anyway?

Love the look on Penny's face......"what? Don't look at me.. I didn't do anything". Priceless...
Ah. Very nice.
You have my sympathy. My dog Kodak brings such things home. See, for example, http://photomusings.wordpress.com/2007/02/27/coyote-ugly/
Dixie, Emma, Daisy, Archie & Sophie (my 5 dogs) have a message for Penny..."ummm,yummy! Will you share???!"
Perhaps she just FOUND it. SOmeone else ftore the poor thing limb from limb..?
Ahhhh, morning, the best time of day. I have my tea. Relaxed. I hear the gentle hummmm of the computer fan. Now I am ready for my morning to begin. Let's see what Tracy has to show this morning.... Oh,... Hmmm.... gives Still Life a new meaning.
It could be worse. I have a friend whose dog brought home part of a skull that seemed, hmmm . . . strangely human-like, so he called the police &, yes, you guessed it.
Next, he's gonna bury it.
Melody, yes, she is a sly one. That's the same look that lulled me into thinking she would be ok outside while the chickens free range. That was before she killed two of them.
Paul, I remember that thread! What has Kodak been bringing in lately?
Deborah, Penny is very good about sharing. But I would be happy to deliver it to YOU!
Michelle, Um, yeah, maybe:) Doug and I joke about putting a mini cam on her just to see what she does in a day.
Peter, ha! Feel free to incorporate the deer leg into one of your lovely paintings:)
Casey, Well, it is gone from the patio now so I guess she could have buried it. Great.
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