Thursday, March 6, 2008


Contrasts, 2008, Oil on Panel, 11x14 turns out that my "career" went on without me last month. Doug told me I was still receiving checks while I was was gone, including a record breaking (for me) payment from the January show, but I really had no idea how many pieces had been sold in my various galleries until I sat down and went through my records today. This is usually a pretty slow time of the year, but sales were considerably more than last year. Good thing too, since I now have a new car to pay for.

And THANK GOD I had the sense to do a number of paintings before I left and even though I am still feeling a bit raw about getting back to work, I have spent all day preparing jpegs of those and updating galleries with the new images, new prices and my newly updated exhibition resume. I guess office work is a good way to ease back into the studio. I am tentatively planning to do some underpaintings tomorrow, because I am feeling that now is the time. I am liable to get some sort of blockage if I wait too long!

I have also finally gotten all of the figurative work that I did in Vermont photographed. I plan to get those ready and spend some time gathering my thoughts on all of that and will get a post up in the next few days. And after that I still have a few more posts planned about my time there, which will include more images of parties and the other resident's studio work, studios and with links to their websites.

Man, I sure can go on and on about a topic, can't I? You have no idea, unless you know me in person. Heh.


gary rith said...

What a miracle, though, considering all your broken machines and electronics, that sales are good!

David said...

Looking forward to seeing your figurative work from the retreat. Please, do go on -- we're listening ;-)

Tracy Helgeson said...

Good thing too, now I can pay to replace a few things....

Thanks David, but you have no idea what you are encouraging:)))

Chris Rywalt said...

I think you can stop putting the word "career" in quotes now, darling. Or all the non-selling artists will have to storm your mansion with torches and pitchforks.

Tracy Helgeson said...

Very funny, Chris. Actually I used the quotation marks, because using the word career seems so silly, however I couldn't think of a better term. Other than "art thang" which is what Doug and I call it.

Anyway, selling isn't the only indication of an art career, and I am certainly lacking in other areas. Um like museum shows, curated shows, reviews, etc.....


Chris Rywalt said...

I'd write more, but I need to get to work. If you need me I'll be out back, sharpening my pitchfork.

Roy Lindquist said...

I realy like your way of painting!!!
Roy in Norway

Teruo Fujieda