Cabins at Sunset, 2006, Oil on Panel, 12x16
My sneaky real life friend, Ashley, has started a blog, without telling me! She just casually left a comment on one of my posts, I followed her link and there she was, big as day! I met Ashley about two years ago and we instantly found that we have much in common. She is also an artist, wife and mother. And so whenever we have a chance to visit, which isn't often enough, we quickly discuss what we have been working on as well as compare notes on panels, subject matter, supplies, galleries etc. We have been in a number of local shows together and she had a really great show last year at the local gallery. I bought one of her pieces, she bought one of mine and I am eyeing the Batman piece, which you'll see when you go to check out her blog to welcome her to blogland.
I have been doing underpaintings the last few days. I have about seven pieces finished for the show (pending approval by the gallery director of course, so it could be less!) and so I am really getting back down to business this week. I know I keep saying that but this time I really mean it. heh. I did five 18x24 underpaintings on Monday. Since they weren't dry on Tuesday I was left with little to do, so after I wasted part of the day on the computer I did about six 8x10's. And today I am planning to do several 24x36 sized underpaintings. Normally, I don't do so many all at once, but I am just feeling like I should be starting as many as I can while I have the time and opportunity. On Thursday I should be able to start doing the glazes and I will go back to working in the usual batches of 4-6, leaving the rest to wait their turn. I think I will try to work through this weekend. Well, except for Saturday when our family has about 77 different things to do, such as a birthday parties, swim meets and a pancake breakfast/silent auction fundraiser.
I am going to leave you all with another link. My kids found this computer game and I knew a person with my history (blisters and missed deadlines from too much Tetris) should never play another computer game again, but I couldn't help it. This one is visually so beautiful and my kids are so great at it-how hard could it be? HA. I sat down to play it and fours hours later I thought maybe I should move so as not to get a blood clot in my leg. And my highest score was still much less than half of my son's best score.
So go and have fun, she said wickedly.
PS. I think the wires look like tapeworms. You'll see what I mean.
I think that I must be one of the few people in America who doesn't play computer games. I will, however, sit with the newspaper and work the crossword , letter jumble, and cryptogram puzzles for hours. It surprises me because I do like technology.
Ashley work is fun! Thanks for the link.
I'm going to avoid the game. I got hooked on simpsons hit and run a few years back playing it with the kids. Amazing time drains those computer games.
Ed, you might be although I think it's a good thing to NOT play them. Our kids have very limited time in which to play and really, I stay away from them for the most part as well. Um, because I have a tendency to go overboard:-)
Lisa, Glad you liked Ashley's work.
Hmm. Computer games are like time drains-do you mean like blogs are?:-)
I am NOT going to the gamesite. NOT. Do you hear me?
Okay - I checked it out briefly. Pretty cool game but I'm really bad at it.
Just say no!
Blogs - a time drain - never....
ohh Ashley's work is great! Does she have a website yet?
oh man I can see how that game can get addictive!
Ok, Meno, whatever you say....
Lisa, Isn't it cool! I think the graphics are very Matisse-like. I am not good at it either. My son's highest score on it was 499. Mine was 87. Once. Usually it was more like 17.
Oops, didn't mean to imply that blogs are a waste of time:-)
Lauren, I don't think she has a website, but I guess we'll just have to wait for her to put up more work on her blog.
Glad I you liked the game!
I am currently suffering from a major addiction to minesweeper. can you say carpal tunnel syndrome?
Gret game
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