Rock Face, 2006, Oil on Panel, 16x20
I didn't post yesterday as the kids had a half day of school and I wanted to make some progress in my studio (which I did-I nearly completed a pretty nice 24x36 landscape) in the morning. Sometimes I can still work in the afternoon if they are home, but I had promised them a movie so we went off to see "Flushed Away" as soon as they got home. It was definitely one of the better kid movies that I have had to suffer through, with all kinds of humorous references just for the adults. There was a whole thing about the singer Tom Jones and my kids sure had no idea why it was so funny that the singer had a pair of panties land on his face.
Now that things have calmed down a bit for me, art wise, that is, I have been reevaluating my future goals as well as what I did this last year that was fulfilling, challenging and successful. And what wasn't. I have decided to streamline my gallery representation as I have found myself a bit too scattered in the last six months and even though it all worked out ok, I feel that there were some negative effects on my personal life. While I don't mind giving up a few things temporarily when working to meet a deadline, giving them up nearly constantly is just too much and has given me a nagging, bad and guilty feeling, which I don't care for at all. So I have left two of my galleries, which while I won't specifically discuss here, I will say that I have made the utmost effort to end the relationships on a positive note, and leaving the door open to future opportunities. I struggle with feeling guilty about leaving (I have a tendency to take on guilt about nearly everything that happens, it's one of my little "issues"), however I know I am making the right decision for myself on both a personal and professional level. I have also decided to close my site at Absolute Arts (it is still up, but they keep telling me it will close soon because my membership has expired) which I will talk about in a future post. It is really difficult to make these kinds of decisions, but is an inevitable part of working as an artist.
Friday night is the fifth (and final) gallery reception for me for the month of November. This is the opening for the White Mountain School Revisited show at Anderson-Soule Gallery and Doug and I are driving to NH on Friday and will return on Saturday, or possibly Sunday as our sitter just so happens to be available for the whole weekend.
Concord, NH is not too far from Boston (Yoo-hoo! Jeff Hayes! I am talking to you!) so if you are in the area, stop by.
Anderson-Soule Gallery
Two Capital Plaza, North Main Street
Concord NH
Friday, November 17
It sounds like a good idea for you to take a breather. Just reading about your schedule over the past few months has made me dizzy.
But your art is wonderful and it's nice to see you getting some recognition for it.
I find myself doing much the same thing just now - evaluating, planning, etc. I'm so impressed that you could leave two galleries and still have some leftover!
I think it's wise and brave that you're doing this. If you don't have enough time and space to breathe a little, eventually that could interfere with your art anyway.
Danny Gregory says something to the effect of, "Life without art is bad. Art without life is bad too."
Hi Meno, I am totally enjoying a more relaxed schedule. I know it won't always be like that but I don't want to miss out on summer again-I was so cooped up in my studio in July and August and I don't think I was outside more than a handful of times.
Hi Cecily, Thanks, but I am still not quite sure what the heck I am doing half the time! You did mention New Hope. I meant to look for a few websites but, ha, haven't had the time! It's on my list...
Hi Tracy,
I think it is a good idea to take some time to streamline your process a bit. You can only do so much, there are times when I wish there was 28 hours in a day! You'll have more time for your family, and more time to develop new ideas!
Angela, I have definitely been worried about possible burnout and I sure don't want that to happen. That is a good and very true quote, thanks for posting it!
James, you are so right and I am really looking forward to a bit of quiet time in January in order to work on some different things.
I don't think you will regret it Tracey. Good decision to put yourself and your kids first, they won't be around forever and you don't want any regrets.
Maybe you can go cheer up Painterdog while you're near Boston.
Thanks Lauren, and too bad I didn't see your suggestion before I left, Chris. Cause that's exactly what I would have done in between shoe stores:-)
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