Well, all of a sudden it's almost two weeks since I have posted here. Sigh.
I haven't been super productive in the studio either. However, in general I have been pretty busy. Our washer broke down last week so Doug and I took the better part of a day to go shopping for a new one. We also took an afternoon to look at small barns since I am getting a new batch of baby chicks next month, plus we are also planning to get sheep or goats next spring. So trying to do a little long range planning for that. A day to take my daughter to the diabetes clinic in Syracuse. A couple of mornings in the garden, clearing out a few beds and planting greens. Mr. Wilson had to get his teeth cleaned and so a day of going back and forth to the vet. An afternoon for a hair appointment. Shopping for spring things with the girls. Doug was in the city last Friday and picked up a load of birch panels for me. Dumping them in my studio was the tipping point for clutter and so I need a day or so to clean and reorganize.
It's just been one thing after another and the rest of this week is looking crazy too.
I really have to finish up some paintings though as I have to send new work off to two galleries soon. Having a looming deadline always helps when my internal motivation is not quite up to par. So this morning I am trying yet again, to get back to work in the studio. I don't think I need a to do list to get going this time but I am not ruling one out either......
I feel your pain! All the things in life that take up time ...!
I always thought that having a pressing deadline as a huge motivotional was a telling portuguese tract...I see you're part portuguese too...don't everything will turn out right !
Oh, hearing you talk about your garden and yard gives me guilt! I haven't done anything yet to the yard or garden. I need to get busy!
Did someone mention goats??? grin.
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