Well, it's been a over a week since this opening for my show, but I will post about it anyway. Doug's brothers and their families were visiting us last weekend and things were pretty hectic before that (cleaning the house, etc) so yet again, I neglected my poor blog......
I left our visitors and drove the two hours down to Hudson to attend the opening. Alone, I might add. Doug stayed with our guests and since my openings seem to be downright painful to the kids, I went solo this time which, to be honest, sucked! But there was a good turnout and I enjoyed talking to several people, including the other artists. The show looked wonderful, one of my larger paintings was in the front window (despite the fact that I walked back to the car to get my camera, I still didn't get a picture of that, sigh...) and most of my work was featured in the front room.
Also notable about the evening was seeing three of my portrait paintings hanging in the back room. I had shown Carrie several of the portraits to get some feedback and she was VERY enthusiastic about them. She took the pieces that were on panel (the others are on paper and would need to be framed, something I haven't figured out how to handle yet) and said she would hang the others if I got them framed. So that was pretty exciting, and at the opening there were people actually looking at them and talking about them! I tried to get a picture of that, but missed my shot!! Anyway, just happy to have those paintings hanging within the four walls of a gallery. Mostly all I have heard from galleries about them is that they won't sell so this seems like progress. Heh.

A few days after, I came across this review of the show. I actually read this blog on a regular basis and am a follower too, so it was pretty cool to get the mention. I guess it's a positive review although I am not exactly sure about the "quasi-formulaic" part.
And on an unrelated note, I wanted to sincerely thank everyone who left comments on the post where I discussed my marriage. I truly appreciate all the good wishes! I meant to respond to each of you, but I was busy scrubbing baseboards, cleaning bathrooms and reorganizing the pantry and laundry room in preparation for our visitors:)
I am lucky to have so many wonderful readers.
Well, I certainly would have gone with you if I would've been there! Heck, after all that cleaning and prepping for the family visitors, they ALL should have gone with you! Your work look great hanging on the walls, even the portraits!
Tracy, I always read your blog but not often comment..... so wanted to say how wonderful your paintings look hung together and congrats on the show. You must be pleased. I really like your portraits and am fascinated by how they evolve from your photos and then 'pulled out' of the underpainting to the finished piece. If your heart is taking you in that direction you should follow it.
I agree with Maggie in that there is just something different and special to see all your works hung together (and in a gallery!).
Think of it not as a long dreadful drive, but a chance to get away, soul-search, be treated like a celebrity, and escape from being hostess.
Congrats on the show!
Congratulations on your show. I adore the portraits! I think they're fascinating and unique. They have a powerful presence that given time, will seduce galleries and collectors alike.
The portraits look fantastic! Congrats on the show (and surviving all that company...:)
Congratulations on the show and the review! Thanks for posting the pictures too. It's great to be able to seem them in "context", so to speak.
This show looks really great. She seems to know how to light it, and your art is stunning, Tracy!
My wife and I visited the gallery this weekend and your paintings are beautiful, particularly the portraits. As we walked toward the back of the gallery, they definitely drew me towards them.
best regards,
Ed Marion
Congrats on the show! Everyone looks like they are having a good time and I like the way your paintings are displayed. The three portraits make a nice little group.
hehe, thanks Denise ;) We considered dragging everyone down to the opening but we would have needed 2 cars plus some folks didn't even arrive at our house until after I left. It was a very hectic evening!
Thanks Maggie, I dearly love my painting process and hope that always shows in my work. And of course it is always nice to see everything hanging in a show. Thanks for commenting.
Tracy, didn't mind the drive down and back so much, it was just the awkward standing around by myself when in between conversations. Doug has been perfectly trained to fill in when necessary;)
Thanks Anne, I feel strongly about the portraits too, and will keep doing them. They are kind of intense to work on tho, so it's an adjustment for me to work on them off and on.....
Thanks Deborah, and the visit was fun, hectic and short, all good things ;)
Thank Katherine, yes, I agree, always nice to see work in context and after looking at them ad nauseum in my studio, it's refreshing to see them in the gallery;)
Thanks Casey, and Carrie has a beautiful gallery space! Great light, and a very NYC like space, LOVE that gallery:)
Ed, wow, thanks so much for letting me know you visited the show and that you were drawn to the portraits. I saw people looking at them at the opening, but am not quite sure what their consensus was;) Hope you enjoyed the whole show, I the other artists had some wonderful work up too.
Thanks Sydney, Carrie has always done a wonderful job of hanging my work (and everyone else's too, of course), I am always excited to see what she does with them. And I am always glad I don't have to do that part of the show;)
The show looks great......
Tracy, the show looks fabulous! And please don't respond to this comment or my other one -- I completely understand! I've spent the past month packing, cleaning, moving, unpacking, and cleaning. You have my complete empathy.
Everyone looks like they are having a good time and I like the way your paintings are displayed...
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