Well, I have actually wanted to post over the last few days but things have been crazy here! Between finishing up the last minute details on the work for my show, getting my daughters all packed and off to summer camp and getting things ready for a short trip this week, it has been hectic.
But now the girls are at camp, tucked into their tents in the woods, my work was delivered to the gallery yesterday, and before I get started on cleaning the house and packing today, I thought I'd put up a quick post about our upcoming trip.
Ever since I saw the movie 'Pollock' and then read the book it was based on, I have always wanted to visit their house and studio out in the Hamptons. It's quite a hike from here, at least a 6 hour drive and so Doug and I kept putting off plans to go. But now since we are separating (yes, it's true, no further details available, but I will say it's been the reason for my difficult time earlier this year and also that it is an amicable split. I promise;)) we have decided that we should take this trip with each other, NOW before we put it off again. Neither of us can imagine seeing the Pollock-Krasner home without the other and so off we go tomorrow.
I will be back on Monday with a full update!
My heart just broke a little.
Whatever happened to your relationship, I'm sure you know what you are doing and will go on wih success from there. You are young, beautiful, intelligent and talented - you can't go wrong with all that.
Can't wait to hear about the Pollock adventure.
Sherrill, Montreal, Quebec
awww, man!
All the best for the future.
I always wish my blogging people happiness and success. My heart hurts for you for what you are going through. I'm hoping you will find the best path for you and your family.
Just wanted to let you know I'm so sorry to hear this. I've been following your blog off and on for several years. Love your colors! You are so very talented and I wish you and your family the best!
Thanks everyone, I really appreciate your kind words and even though things have been tough, we still have so much and I know that things will work out just the way they should. Meanwhile I can't wait to see the Pollock Krasner house!!!!
I came here to read your new activities and was not prepared for this, so a kind of shock. Hope everything works out fine with both of you. Take care.
This from another blog I follow:
I know you have done your research about the hours it is open.
Tracy, don't look at that other blog (too many interior photos). That one is better for those who won't be visiting. Here's where to get the info before your visit:
Sounds like a perfect trip for the two of you. Can't wait to hear all about it when you get back. Have fun!
Oh changes are tough. I hope you're having a fun exploring the Pollock Krasner house. Take care!
Today is my first visit. Your work is really nice. I hate to hear about the separation and hope the best for you and your family. I hope by know things are better.
Thank you for sharing your work...love the splashes of color in the wide open spaces...nice!
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