Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Number 18 (plus a rant)

It seems my computer's problem is hardware related, given it's symptoms. Um, especially the not starting up part and maybe the noise that comes from the back too. Doug is going to take it down to the city next week to see if it can be saved and if any of my info can be retrieved. I did manage to back up my jpegs before it totally crashed, but it will be tough to lose the files I didn't save-family pictures (don't get me started on how much I resisted storing our photos online, for exactly this reason! And yes I know that I am a complete moron for not backing up everything.) and my emails especially. And naturally we don't have Apple Care, so no matter what happens, I will be parting with a big chunk of money. Can I just add here that my computer is only two years old? Shouldn't this stuff really be lasting longer? Our iMacs from 1999 only lasted until 2003 before they too crashed and burned. Literally. Smoke came out of my computer. This technology crap sure is handy but is also infuriating and I totally suspect a bit of planned obsolescence going on here and it's really ticking me off. I am going through this with my car as well. Just after the car loan was finally paid off, it started breaking down. Big things too-axles, the timing belt, all kinds of engine thingys. I am very suspicious of all of this.

Ok, I am done with my rant. Sorry, got a bit carried away. Haven't I ever mentioned that I have a tendency to believe in conspiracy theories?

Anyway, in December I came across this post and was really interested to see who ranked where. And because I am completely self-involved I immediately high-tailed it over to technorati to see what my ranking there was. Seeing that it was pretty good and concerned that I wouldn't get my due, because, you know, this is all SO important, I left my technorati link in the comments section. Kim updated the list in January and I admit to being pretty pleased to see that I am in the top 20. Number 18 to be exact. Lisa is Number 12-cool! I am also slightly shocked that anyone finds me even remotely interesting; in my real life, I have noticed people looking around nervously for an escape route when I approach to say hi and no one wants to chat on the phone with me, which is one of my very favorite things to do. Heh. I am only partially kidding there.

So go check me out on Kim's list and then take a look at some of the other artist blogs. I frittered away a whole day looking through all of the ones I hadn't seen before.


Lisa Call said...

Well geesh - I was 9 last month. A few uber art bloggers that weren't listed went and got listed and now I'm only 12. How the mighty do fall.

har har :):)

Bummer on your computer dying - I hope you can recover everything! I recently decided to move all my photos online (this being one of the reasons). Big project and I've got just a handful there but the place I selected has 4 way redundancy - hard to think it's not safe. I'll post about it soon.

Tracy Helgeson said...

I know, we are all in danger of dropping down as more uber art bloggers (love that term) get listed. Oops, guess that's what I did to the former #18:)

We are going to be getting a thingamajig that automatically backs the files up hourly, I think. I am sure nearly everyone here knows more about this than I do, but that's the plan for now. Are you using flickr?

Pretty Lady said...

My iBook did that about a year and a half ago--grinding sound, and that was the end of the hard drive. I put a new hard drive in it, since this cost $325 as opposed to $2000 for a new laptop. I thought prices were supposed to go down over time.

It may not be worth the expense to salvage the files--it wasn't for mine. The repair shop didn't even bother. Try not to think about it.

Anonymous said...

hi Tracy...
thanks for mentioning the list and congratulations on your position....
as Lisa has mentioned...with new artists submitting every week ...the list will be variable...
oh and I enjoyed reading your rant on computers and cars...
I think washing machines could be part of the conspiracy too :)

Tracy Helgeson said...

Oh bummer, Pretty Lady, I hate when that happens. Not sure what will happen with mine, but I will not get it resolved for at least a few weeks.

Hi Kim, you are welcome, and I agree, washing machines (and almost every other manufactured device) could be included although ours is still ok after 4 years. Probably only a matter of time before that blows too, I suppose:)

Unknown said...

Oh boy Tracy - may I ask you whether you own something like the "evil look"? Geeez - in the middle of shooting some more photos on my documentaion in the Olympic Village my camera broke - this never happened to any of my equipment ever and I am totall struck down.
And also the computer of one of my other blogger friends crashed as well - what the heck is happening here. Must be something in the air...
Btw - I dislike Apple management for their incredible attitude towards their customers and their irresponsible behaviour regarding environmental issues. Maybe this is the moment for you to change?

gary rith said...

Good tip, Tracy!

Lisa Call said...

Tracy - this is what I'm doing:


Tracy Helgeson said...

Petra, I think I must have some kind of evil look! My stereo stopped working today for no apparent reason, something speaker related I think. Good grief. Maybe I have a force around me:)

About Apple, I love using a Mac, way better than a pc. But we have always had really good service care by Apple, friendly help on the phone, and all of that, so I can't complain there. The environmental thing is tough-I wish they did a better job in that respect, but I don't think they are the worst either. I am just picking my poison I guess.

Anonymous said...

He he....gulped a little to find a MAC user who complains. Seems all my MAC friends are diehards with their defense. Now and then I consider getting mad enough at my PC to try one (MAC) UNTIL I see the prices and slowly find out MAC's are perfect....just about like PC's.

Making A Mark said...

Tracy - Having been through the same thing with my laptop dying recently (well - throwing a wobbly and refusing to recognise who I am is more accurate) you have my sincere sympathies. Not a place we want to be in very often.

If you take a look at my blog somebody suggested how I could rescue the files that weren't backed up.

Also - I'm not convinced by that listing. There are rankings and there are rankings. Technorati seems to have been been hijacked by the spammers in my opinion - not a ranking to be trusted any more. Also some rankings are 'helped' by various means. Seems to me somebody (the creator?) is getting a rather high ranking because of the links she accumulates through having a list where she asks everybody to link to her. Now that's not what I call real links - and nor does Google - and I'm not taking it seriously, I'm not listing it anywhere on my blog and I'm not linking to it. Even if I am listed as 8!!!

I'm very familar with which are the top art blogs and some of the ones in this list have a very spurious claim to their current status.

Anonymous said...

Sheesh...I hardly ever look at ranking for anyhting. If I did, that would be all I worried about and worked on.

Of course, this oculd just be my excuse for not knowing zilch about all this stuff.....back to painting!

Tracy Helgeson said...

Hi Katherine, Your points about the rankings are well taken and I don't disagree at all. However, if I thought any of that was remotely important then I would be concerned about the way it was compiled, as well as the motives. But I don't and so I am not and I am going with the flow here. Links don't always have much to do with how many readers one has and that is what is more important to me. Relatively speaking of course:)

Cheryl, I know what you mean, technorati is the only ranking system I know about! Are there more? I am just a painter and I write a post (about myself) now and again:)

Anonymous said...

Seems like there are other sites similar. But I don't recall now. Maybe it was just a listing I saw somewhere of places to list your blog...maybe from Alyson Stanfield.

Sorry about the typos. I get in a hurry sometime and don't see the errors until I click.
Like the Macs ARE instead of AREN'T perfect...just like PCs. And transposing letters...must be getting old......nah!